Eddie's Education and Development BlogEddie's Education and Development Blog

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Eddie's Education and Development Blog

My name is Eddie and this is my education and development blog. I started researching this blog when my wife signed up for an adult education course. It was amazing to see how much her confidence improved as she studied different subjects. I learnt so much from her as we chatted after her classes. I decided that I would carry out my own research into different educational opportunities which are on offer. I hope that the stuff I publish on this blog will arm you with the knowledge you need to sign up for and complete an education course which develops your skills.

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Two misconceptions about mobile swim classes

There are a few misconceptions about mobile swim classes that may deter those who wish to learn some basic swimming techniques from availing of them. Read on to find out more about these misconceptions.

They're more expensive than swimming classes provided at public pools

Many people who have their own pools still end up learning to swim in public pools instead of having a teacher come to their home because they believe the former is less expensive than the latter. This is not necessarily the case, as whilst the prices that tend to be charged for shared swimming classes in public pools might be a bit lower than that the cost of mobile swimming classes that take place in the student's own pool, the classes in this public setting can still end up costing more overall.

This is because learning this skill in a public pool usually results in a person incurring additional expenses. For example, they may need to drive or take a bus to the public pool, in which case they'll spend money on fuel or a ticket. If they have a car, they may need to pay to leave it in the swimming pool facility's car park. Additionally, due to hygiene regulations, public pools often require visitors to wear swimming caps when in the water and to wear rubber-soled sandals whilst walking around; if a person doesn't already own these items, they'll need to buy them before they start taking their classes. Additionally, unless they have the time and the foresight to prepare and take a packed lunch to each class, they may be tempted to indulge in the expensive foods at the pool's cafe if they feel hungry after their classes.

All of this could result in this person spending as much or even more than they would if they had mobile swimming classes in their own home.

The students don't learn any faster than they would if they had classes at a public pool

The second misconception about these mobile classes is that the students who take them don't learn any quicker than they would if they had classes at a public pool. Whilst there are quite a few factors that can affect how quickly a person masters this skill, the chances of them doing so quickly will be higher if they are taught by a mobile teacher in their own pool.

This is because if they learn in their own pool with no other students, their teacher will have more time during each lesson to focus on solely on instructing and correcting them than they would if they were part of a bigger class in a public pool.

Additionally, if they are taught in their own pool, there will be fewer obstacles that affect how fast they learn. For example, public swimming pools can be incredibly noisy, which can make it hard for students to understand and follow their swimming teacher's instructions. During mobile lessons in a person's own pool, the noise levels will be lower and so they'll be able to hear and memorise the things they're taught much more easily.

Reach out to a professional who provides mobile swim classes to learn more.